Monthly Archives: January 2019

Hello Awesomeness!


“Open sesame” …  even Ali baba’s brother goofed up and had to pay with his life just for a mere password! As age catches on so does your mind. It does all tricks to make sure you forget that 8 character alphanumeric word that holds the key to all your work! Working with a corporate giant its another nightmare … you cannot use any old password to replace the current … now its almost like going to to generate a new one. Phew!!!

How many times we run out of password ? In the name of corporate security we are often forced to invent new words and passwords which are super strong with asterisk ( not the Gaul with magic potion) and exclamations with alpha numeric concoction. Each time I struggle to remember the last password and often end up using the same for all my accounts.

I had a friend who had his wife’s name as his bank password and when divorced was cleaned up to the last digit! I have colleagues who have passwords like “mybossisanidiot” and “ihatework”. Imagine starting your day with a reminder that will definitely ruin it.

Its quite daunting and nerve wrecking. This year I decided to stop using personal numbers, names and pet names for password. This is the very first word that I type to get into my inbox every morning … why not have a phrase that makes me feel good. I began my year with “Nolookingback” and now its “Awesomeness”. Each time I type I feel great, even though its momentary my day begins with a bang!!

So lets turn those cuss words and confusing names to lovely phrases that inspire you, make a wish and give your day a boost… be a logophile, be wanderlust.